What´s the slice?
The slice is one of the most common defects in golf; the golf ball is hit from the left of the objective and ends up to the right of it. Who has not suffered this playing golf? Once, practicing the swing, we manage to send the ball on its way in the right direction on a regular basis, we begin to notice this problem. It is not easy for the ball to make a straight trajectory. Normally, it curves in flight and curiously always to the right. Every golfer has unknowingly found himself with the slice, a defect that may accompany us for a long time in our game.
Why does the slice occur?
Normally there are two reasons why this happens:
1. The first is a weak grip making the club face too open. A slice always happens because the club face is too open at the moment of impact with the ball.
2. The second possible cause is due to poor coordination of your hands, body and the face of the club.
How to correct the slice?
The correction, in the case that we have a weak grip, is to rotate both hands to the right to have the club face square with the ball at the moment of impact.
David Álvarez, one of the Golf Ibiza instructors, works with two different exercises to correct the slice. His favorite exercises are:
1.-Put your feet together at the moment of impact, so there is good movement of the club face as you swing through to hit the ball.
2.- The second exercise is more dynamic and is done by placing three balls in line, one in front of the other and hitting them one at a time without pause.
We hope you found this advice useful and do not stop practicing your swing! You’ll see that you’ll soon get results.